To renew your membership, select your membership level below.

What Defines A Member Of AWPA

The Association has members throughout Australia, aged from 16 to 90 years. They range from pre-solo students to commercial, airline, and military pilots, some members having more than 20,000 hours.

Full membership is open to any female pilot who holds or has held a Pilot’s Licence or Pilot’s Certificate. Student membership is open to any female student pilot for a maximum of two years. Junior membership is open to any female under the age of 18 with an interest in aviation; it does not entitle the member to voting rights.

What type of membership is best for me?

Member – Annual Fee $100

A female pilot who holds or has held the relative certification or licensing requirements (Australian or International equivalent) to operate:

  • fixed-wing aircraft
  • rotary-wing aircraft
  • glider
  • hang glider or paraglider
  • ultralight aircraft
  • hot air balloon or gas balloon or airship
  • remotely piloted aircraft


Student Member – Annual Fee $80

A female training for the relative certification or licensing requirements (Australian or international equivalent) to operate:

  • fixed-wing aircraft
  • rotary-wing aircraft
  • glider
  • hang glider or paraglider
  • ultralight aircraft
  • hot air balloon or gas balloon or airship
  • remotely piloted aircraft

This class of membership is for a maximum of two years of subscription. After this time full membership must be paid.

Junior Member – Annual Fee $80

A female under 18 years of age who has an interest in aviation.


Associate Member – Annual Fee $100

A female whose interests lie in aviation related activities who is not eligible to become a Member of the Association and whom the board considers to be acceptable for membership to the association and has paid the annual subscription.

Still not sure what option is best for you?